Their old site wasn’t up to par with the amount of fun the company had to offer. They needed a new light, friendly, and approachable face that would entice business contacts and help them generate leads. We worked closely with their digital team to understand their needs and designed a new UI and UX for the site.
Their old site was unresponsive and buggy. We eliminated these errors by making the new site mobile friendly, highly responsive across browsers, and also integrated it with the existing tools they used. This included developing new goals and incorporating Google Analytics event tracking features. We also added support for Hot Jars in addition. Finally, we integrated the site into their CRM so they could track leads and incorporate user data into their sales pipeline.
As the B2B site for the company, we wanted to ensure that it met the standards of modern buyers. With our redesigned UI and UX, integrated analytics and sales tools, and improved stability, the Join Beam site is now up and running, helping deliver playtime to parents and children across the world.
"Steenify matched our motivation and desire for a pixel perfect website."